CUIRCUIT MATERIALS INC. supports the research and development for world wide companies which has special technology.
This supporting makes them to strong independent and competitive company.

To contribute for society with improve the chemical industrial technology to satisfy the customer needs.
Establish the original and special technology network that cause strength and stable for the company.

Our priority is customer’s satisfaction and shares with concerned company the reasonable profit.
To design the high valuable company by develop the original technology.
Provide the comfortable atmosphere for employee who can grow up itself on their work.
Contribute to harmonize the global environment and society.
All staffs have a young generation heart.

Keep mind founder emotion
Keep with our customer heartfelt sincerity
Aggressive attitude
Work together within happiness
Company Profile
Address:Head Office
2-34-12-302 Yoga, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 158-0097 JAPAN
TEL&FAX +81-3-6431-0793
Address:Sustainable Office
1-19-15 Fujigaoka, Aoba-ku, Yokohama-shi,kanagawa-ken, 227-0043 JAPAN
TEL +81-45-974-0809 FAX +81-45-974-0088
Establish:April 2022

Business Lines
Manufacturing materials, and speciality chemicals for FPC
R & D for full process of manufacturing FPC
Consultant for manufacturing process of FPC
introduce the consultant of technical advisor
Main Bank:
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking -Aobadai branch
The Yokohama Shinkin Bank -Aobadai branch

2-34-12-302 Yoga, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 158-0097 JAPAN
TEL&FAX 03-6431-0793
Nearest Station:
Tokyu Denentoshi Line “YOGA”Station 3 minutes walk
Information by car
10 minutes from the Tokyo Interchange on the Tomei Expressway
Route246 near Seta 5 minutes